Video Folders, Video Folder, Video in a folder, video cards with a pocket,

What is a Video Folder?

In today’s competitive market, capturing your audience’s attention is more challenging than ever. Therefore, traditional marketing methods often fall short, making it crucial for businesses to adopt innovative tools that leave a lasting impression. Enter the video folder—a unique blend of traditional print and dynamic video technology, complete with an extra pocket to hold your custom-printed sales brochure or cards. This powerful tool revolutionizes how brands communicate and engage with their audience. In this blog post, we’ll explore how video folders can be utilized across various industries to enhance brand promotion and discuss ten key benefits of incorporating a video folder into your marketing strategy.

A video folder combines a printed brochure with a custom-sized pocket, with or without a magnetic flap, to hold additional materials inside. Additionally, it features an embedded LCD screen that plays video content, customizable with various screen sizes. This hybrid marketing tool merges the tactile experience of a physical folder with the dynamic engagement of video, creating a multifaceted platform for brand communication. Moreover, video folders can be tailored in terms of size, screen dimensions, memory capacity, and interactive features, making them adaptable to a wide range of marketing needs.

How Video Folders Can Be Used Across Industries

  1. Corporate Training and Onboarding

Integrate video folders into your corporate training programs to give new hires an engaging and comprehensive overview of company policies. Consequently, this interactive approach enhances learning and retention, making the onboarding process more effective.

  1. Product Launches

Product launches significantly benefit from video folders. By combining product samples or information with video demonstrations, you can create a compelling presentation that highlights key features and benefits, generating excitement and interest among potential customers.

  1. Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Stand out at trade shows and exhibitions by using video folders to showcase your products and services. The combination of printed materials and video content attracts more visitors to your booth and provides them with a memorable experience.

  1. Investor Relations

Present financial reports, company achievements, and future plans to investors using video folders. This dynamic format makes complex information more digestible and engaging, helping to build confidence and support among stakeholders.

  1. Real Estate

Real estate agents can use video folders to present property listings, virtual tours, and client testimonials. Thus, potential buyers gain a comprehensive understanding of properties without needing to visit them in person.

  1. Healthcare

Healthcare providers can leverage a video folder to educate patients about treatments, procedures, and healthcare plans. These folders can be distributed in clinics or mailed to patients, providing them with valuable information in an accessible format.

  1. Automotive

Car dealerships can use video folders to present new models, showcase features, and share customer testimonials. This interactive tool enhances the car-buying experience by providing potential customers with detailed information in a visually appealing format.

  1. Education

Educational institutions can use video folders to attract prospective students by showcasing campus facilities, academic programs, and student life. Distribute these folders during open houses, mail them to potential applicants, or use them in alumni fundraising campaigns.

  1. Hospitality

Hotels and resorts can use video folders to provide virtual tours of their properties, highlight amenities, and present customer testimonials. Consequently, this immersive experience helps potential guests make informed booking decisions.

  1. Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations can use video folders to tell compelling stories about their missions, showcase the impact of their work, and appeal for donations. This engaging format can be used during fundraising events, mailed to potential donors, or distributed at community events.

Ten Key Benefits of Video Folders

  1. Enhanced Engagement

Video folders actively capture attention and engage viewers more effectively than traditional print materials. Furthermore, the combination of visual and auditory stimuli creates a memorable experience that holds the viewer’s interest longer.

  1. Improved Information Retention

Research indicates that people retain information better when they encounter it in a multimedia format. Consequently, video folders combine text, images, and video to enhance information retention and ensure your message is remembered.

  1. Versatility

Video folders boast high versatility and allow for customization for various purposes, whether showcasing a product, providing a virtual tour, or sharing customer testimonials. Consequently, this adaptability makes them suitable for any industry and marketing strategy.

  1. High Perceived Value

A video folder exudes a premium feel that can enhance the perceived value of your brand. Therefore, distributing a high-quality video folder can leave a lasting impression and convey a sense of professionalism and innovation.

  1. Tangible and Interactive

Unlike digital marketing tools, video folders provide a tangible experience. Specifically, the physical presence of a folder combined with interactive buttons and video content creates a multi-sensory experience that digital formats cannot replicate.

  1. Personalization

Video folders offer the ability to tailor content to specific audiences with personalized messages, making them more relevant and impactful. Consequently, personalization can increase engagement and conversion rates by addressing the unique needs and interests of each recipient.

  1. Cost-Effective

Although video folders may require a higher upfront investment compared to traditional print materials, their high engagement and conversion rates can lead to a better return on investment. Additionally, the ability to update and reuse video content adds to their cost-effectiveness.

  1. Measurable Impact

Businesses can easily measure the effectiveness of video folders through metrics such as view counts, engagement rates, and conversion rates. Consequently, this data allows businesses to assess the success of their campaigns and make informed decisions for future marketing efforts.

  1. Differentiation

In a crowded market, standing out is crucial. Therefore, video folders provide a unique and innovative way to differentiate your brand from competitors, making your marketing efforts more memorable and effective.

  1. Ease of Distribution

Video folders can be distributed in various ways, including direct mail, at events, or during face-to-face meetings. Furthermore, their compact and portable nature makes them easy to share with potential customers, partners, and stakeholders.



Video folders revolutionize brand promotion across any industry, offering a powerful tool that enhances marketing strategies significantly. Their ability to engage, inform, and persuade makes them an invaluable asset. Moreover, by leveraging the benefits of video folders, businesses create memorable experiences, build stronger connections with their audience, and ultimately drive greater success in their marketing efforts.

If you’re ready to elevate your brand promotion, consider incorporating video folders into your marketing strategy. First, explore the innovative solutions offered by Video Plus Print. Then, discover how our customized video folders can help you achieve your marketing goals. Don’t wait—contact us today to learn more and get started on transforming your brand promotion!