Multisensory In Print

Multi-sensory in Print Technologies

Quick Overview:
With Video Plus Print’s® Multi-sensory products, there are so many different types of multisensory advertising experiences that your customers can encounter with the same device and every time someone interacts with a product they will Experience More™.
VPP presents innovative turn-key solutions, which provide enormous expansion potential for your product brand. Explore new horizons where no sense is left untouched with Video Plus Print’s® Multi-sensory marketing solutions , we are sure we have everything you will need to run a successful marketing campaign.

CLS Behring


4.3 inch LCD


5 inch LCD



4.3 inch LCD


4.3 inch LCD


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Revolutionize Your Brand’s Marketing Strategy with Video Packaging

Understanding Video Packaging In the current marketing world, capturing and holding your audience’s attention is harder than ever. Therefore, traditional marketing tools often fail to make the lasting impact needed to set a brand apart. However, by using new methods and innovative technologies, video boxes provide an exciting solution. These

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