PWC Video Brochure

Main features:

Bright LCD Screens with clear audio.

Control buttons play, pause, next, etc .

Many multi-sensory options available.

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PWC Video Brochure

Case Study

The Client:
Price Waterhouse Coopers

The Company:
Across the globe, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) stands as the largest provider of professional services. According to Vault Accounting 50, they remain as the most prestigious accounting firm worldwide for the past seven years and the best firm to work with for the past three years. PwC specializes in three types of services – Assurance, Advisory and Tax.

The Challenge:
In attempt to employ the right people at their new branch in Texas, especially at the entry level, they approached us to help them come up with an encouraging and innovative way to attract desirable candidates.Our goal was to provide them with a campus recruitment tool that would make them instantly stand out from the crowd and gain the best assets for their company.

The Solution:
We knew that our formal video brochure would be more than enough to include the necessary information, yet form a fun and interesting medium. We took a more professional path with this video brochure; unlike most of our video brochures this one didn’t just have a video – but a slide show too. All of which can be viewed on a 7” LCD screen. The slideshow can be controlled via several control buttons, allowing potential candidates to carefully read the important information. The other two control buttons bring you back to the page and enable you to play the video. Video Plus Print’s video marketing solutions work to keep your brand growing profitably!

The Success:
The PWC Video Brochure was a reported to be a grand success. It was 100% engaging in its content and the message it was broadcasting to its target audience. PWC was very happy with the effectiveness of the video brochure and surpassed at their desire goals.

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