Video Brochure for Healthcare

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Video Marketing In The Healthcare Industry

Video Marketing Tips

Why is the healthcare industry all about video information?
The healthcare industry has the most at stake when it comes to providing the right information to a host of specialized doctors and healthcare workers. Providing this information in a clear and concise manner is vital to doctors and patients. Videos are key to help understand the composition, benefits, dosage and side effects of medicine. Doctors are among the busiest professionals in the world and explanation videos have helped them learn about old and new procedures in the shortest time with the maximum retention. Patients too feel more confident of doctors and hospitals that can present them with easy to understand video presentations.

-First Aid: Videos that help to identify and treat patients by first responders
-Explainer videos: Videos of life saving procedures and specific treatments
-Medical facilities: Video walkthroughs of departments and patient care facilities
-Medical Equipment: Videos on the features and usage of medical equipment
-Testimonials: Patient feedback and reviews
-Fitness: Videos related to cause and prevention of diseases
-Age Care: General wellness videos promoting age care centres
-Medical Insurance: Medical insurance benefits and highlights

We did some brainstorming with healthcare professionals. Video packages for personal consumptions of healthcare professionals need to cover their specializations. Check out some options..

Video Marketing In The Healthcare Industry

First Impressions
Video Business Cards: Promote your clinic/ hospital or medical insurance to new clientele
VideoPak Video Brochures: Build trust with your patients on their special occasions
Video Mailers: Send medical video presentation and updates to hospitals and clinics

Brand Building
#1 in the Industry Video Brochures: Launch of new improved medical treatments and drugs to specialists doctors and hospitals.
Top Quality Video Boxes: Launch new drugs in market with memorable video in boxes containing samples, gifts and literature.
Video Magazines Inserts: Promote your life saving drugs and specialist treatments in journals and magazines.

Sales & Lead Generation
Exec level quality Video Books: Create a story book of medical treatments and procedures for specific treatments.

Add Sales Material into your Video Folders: Ideal for medical presentations of new drugs to doctors and Medicare workers.

Customer Loyalty and Retention

Amazing Video Boxes: Great for ancillary healthcare / insurance / age care industries promotions.
Intro Level Video Greeting Cards: Get well cards to out going patients from Doctors and hospital staff.
Sit on a shelf – Video POS: Point of Sale/Care videos promotions at pharmacies, reception lounges and staff rooms

Video Marketing Tips:
The healthcare industry is amongst the largest and most important industries on the planet. Getting the right information to the right doctor, care worker or hospital at the right time will ensure the best chance of success. Since medical situations are more complex, it’s important to segregate your videos into smaller point specific segments for easy understanding by audience involved. Ensure video marketing for healthcare uses less of medical terminology unless explicitly required by the viewer.

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